Pro Audio Factory India had a chance to work on one of the episodes of the web series Edumpus 'Average Ambili' by Karikku Fliq. Written and Directed by Adithyan Chandrashekar and produced by Nikhil Prasad. This series also features Arsha Baiju with Zhins Shan, Nandini Gopalakrishnan, Keerthana Sreekumar, Akhila Premnath, and Manjula Mohandas. Sound designed by Sreejith Sreenivasan, This series features a complete sync sound production. Pro Audio Factory had a wonderful opportunity to mix the Episode No. 4 of this series. Pro Audio Factory thanks Sreejith Sreenivasan for giving us a platform to perform our work culture and commitment towards this project.
Average Ambili Ep_04 Video Link: